Anima mundi
(World Soul)
Abstract Art-paintings and creative Design Concept
© NiK-KiA 2020-25

’’What a human indicates in the world is her soul
what the world indicates by saying to us is world soul’’ - Avicenna

The World soul (Greek: ψυχή κόσμου, Latin: Anima mundi) is a pure ethereal spirit, which was proclaimed by some ancient philosophers to be diffused throughout all nature. It was thought to animate all matter in the same sense in which the soul was thought to animate the human.
Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.  Plato, Timaeus, 29/30; 4th century BCE
The idea originated with Plato and it also features in systems of eastern philosophy in the Brahman-Atman of Hinduism. Subsequently the Stoics believed it to be the only vital force in the universe.

The art concept "Anima mundi" (Year 2020-25) is consist of over 81 large format (upto 210x300 cm) oil paintings and about 5,000 graphics and sketch. The Concept spreads in following nine Projects:

            1. An illustrated Mind Mapping approach based on Transpersonal Psychology;
            2. The Imaginary Friends and Companions World;
            3. Sensory Souls Thoughtform;
            4. The Parasomniastic Life’s Review Dreams;
            5. The Soul Travel to Unseen Univers;
            6. Areal-Toll-House Images;
            7. Tutelary and Territorial Spirits Warfare;
            8. The Spiritual Abstract Paintings on the Blackcave Side of the Brain;
            9. Self-referenced Visualized Internal Monologue and Dream Arguments.

Sample of Project hieroglyphs


1. An illustrated Mind Mapping approach based on Transpersonal Psychology

 Transpersonal psychology is a school of psychology that studies the transpersonal, self-transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human experience.
A short definition from the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology suggests that transpersonal psychology "is concerned with the study of humanity’s highest potential, and with the recognition, understanding, and realization of unitive, spiritual, and transcendent states of consciousness" (Lajoie and Shapiro, 1992:91). Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, peak experiences, mystical experiences, systemic trance and other occult experiences of living.
Transpersonal psychology developed from earlier schools of psychology including psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanistic psychology. Transpersonal psychology attempts to describe and integrate spiritual experience within modern psychological theory and to formulate new theory to encompass such experience. Types of spiritual experience examined vary greatly but include mysticism, religious conversion, altered states of consciousness, trance and spiritual practices. Although Carl Jung and others explored aspects of the spiritual and transpersonal in their work, Miller (1998: 541-542) notes that Western psychology has had a tendency to ignore the spiritual dimension of the human psyche.
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas.
The elements of a given mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing connections between portions of information and forms. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories.
The mind map can be contrasted with the similar idea of concept mapping. The former is based on freehand structures denoting relationships with a central governing concept, whereas concept maps are based on connections between concepts in more diverse patterns.


2. The Imaginary Friends and Companions World

An Imaginary world is a self-consistent parallel world setting with elements that differ from the real world. It may also be called, variously, an imagined realm, parallel world or imaginary universe. The terms multiverse, parallel universe, alternate history, story or screen bible, backstory and crossover have a considerable amount of overlap with fictional universes.
A fictional universe can be almost indistinguishable from the real world, except for the presence of the invented characters and events that characterize a work of fiction. It can also bear little or no resemblance to reality, with invented fundamental principles of space and time. The subject is most commonly addressed in reference to fictional universes that differ markedly from reality, such as those that introduce entire fictional cities, countries, or even planets, those that contradict commonly known facts about the world and its history, or those that feature fantasy or science fiction concepts such as magic or faster than light travel, and especially those in which the deliberate development of the setting is a substantial focus of the work.

Imaginary friends, also known as "imaginary companions", are pretend characters often created by children. Imaginary friends often function as tutelaries (or perform a tutelary function) when they are engaged by the child in play activity. Imaginary friends may exist for the child into adolescence and sometimes adulthood. Imaginary friends often have elaborate personalities and behaviors. Although they may seem very real to their creators, studies have shown that children do have an understanding that their imaginary friends are not real.
Imaginary companions are an integral part of many children's lives. They provide comfort in times of stress, companionship when they're lonely, someone to boss around when they feel powerless, and someone to blame for the broken lamp in the living room. Most important, an imaginary companion is a tool young children use to help them make sense of the adult world.
A long-time popular misconception is that most children dismiss or forget the imaginary friend once they begin school and acquire real friends. According to one study, by the age of seven, sixty-five percent of children report that they have had an imaginary companion at some point in their lives. Some psychologists have suggested that children simply retain but stop speaking about imaginary friends, due to adult expectations and peer pressure. Children have reported creating or maintaining imaginary friends as pre-teens or teenagers, and very few adults report having imaginary friends.


3. Sensory Souls Thoughtform

A thoughtform is a manifestation of mental energy, also known as a tulpa in Tibetan mysticism. The thoughtform is also one of the expressed (visualized) means of Samyama. Its concept is related to the Western philosophy and practice of magic.
(Khanna 1979, p. 21) links mantras and yantras to thoughtforms:
Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantras, are essentially "thought forms" representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations.
Thought-form of the music of Charles Gounod, according to Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater in Thought Forms (1901)
A number of prima facie unrelated definitions have been suggested:

            • An image or images held in the mind of a practitioner which aids in the manifestation of intent. An agency of psychic effect which exists and takes form on the pre-physical realms of existence, which acts in accord with the Intent of its creator(s).
            • A living spiritual being created by humans. It could be a magical person's helper, or a being created by the belief in it from masses of people.
            • A homunculus of awareness: an instantaneous observer / observed duality. Homunculi appear in various theories of cognitive philosophy and psychology to account for different facets of conscious self. They are created by everyone every moment (in some formulations they are everyone every moment); and they possess wills of their own.


4. The Parasomniastic Life’s Review Dreams

Parasomnias are a category of sleep disorders that involve abnormal and unnatural movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, and dreams that occur while falling asleep, sleeping, between sleep stages, or arousal from sleep. Most parasomnias are dissociated sleep states which are partial arousals during the transitions between wakefulness and NREM sleep, or wakefulness and REM sleep.
A life review is a phenomenon widely reported as occurring during near-death experiences, in which a person rapidly sees much or the totality of their life history in chronological sequence and in extreme detail. It is often referred to by people having experienced this phenomenon as having their life "flash before their eyes".
The life review is discussed in some detail by near-death experience scholars such as Drs. Raymond Moody, Kenneth Ring, and Barbara Rommer. A reformatory purpose seems commonly implicit in accounts, though not necessarily for earthly purpose, since return from a near-death experience may reportedly entail individual choice. Interestingly, while experiencers, who appear to number into many thousands according to NDE studies, sometimes report reviews took place in the company of otherworldly beings who shared the observation, they also say they felt unjudged during the process, leaving themselves their own strongest critics. Although rare, there are also a few accounts of life reviews or similar experiences without a near-death experience such as the simpler out-of-body experience or under circumstances of intense threat or duress. Some scientists discount near-death experiences themselves or stigmatize their study. Further it is claimed there is evidence for cultural differences in the Near Death Experience, and there is also evidence that the NDE may be hallucinatory.


5. The Soul Travel to Unseen Universe

Soul Travel is the belief that when one sleeps, their Soul leaves its body and seeks spiritual lessons in the Soul Planes, or heaven. Soul Travel is a key element in the religion of Eckankar. They believe that there are many different Temples that Souls go to in higher Planes, to learn their religion.
The phrase (or similar expression) may denote also a motif, treated in the anthropological or ethnographic literature of cultures with shamanistic features. Details may vary: even the mere notion of shamanism is debated sometimes, and in all cases, the cultures described as “shamanistic” are far from being alike. Diversity can be observed even among linguistically related peoples, like shamanism among Eskimo peoples.

The unseen universe is a self-consistent setting with elements that differ from the real world. The terms multiverse, parallel universe, alternate history, backstory and crossover have a considerable amount of overlap with alternative universes.
The unseen universe can be almost indistinguishable from the real world, except for the presence of the invented characters and events that characterize a work of fiction. It can also bear little or no resemblance to reality, with invented fundamental principles of space and time. The subject is most commonly addressed in reference to fictional universes that differ markedly from reality, such as those that introduce entire fictional cities, countries, or even planets, those that contradict commonly known facts about the world and its history, or those that feature fantasy or science fiction concepts.


6. Areal-Toll-House Images

The teaching of aerial toll houses is only subscribed to by some Orthodox Christians, while others consider it a Gnostic teaching in complete opposition to many of the teachings of the Orthodox Church. According to this teaching, "following a person's death the soul leaves the body and is escorted to God by angels. During this journey the soul passes through an aerial realm which is ruled by demons. The soul encounters these demons at various points referred to as 'toll-houses' where the demons then attempt to accuse it of sin and, if possible, drag the soul into hell."
The most detailed account of the aerial toll-houses is found in the hagiography of Saint Basil the New, found in the Lives of Saints, for 26 March (according to the Orthodox calendar), where Saint Theodora, spiritual student of Saint Basil, appeared to another student, pious and holy laymen Gregory, who, with Basil, prayed to God to let him know what happened to Theodora after her death. The Lord answered their prayers, and Theodora appeared to Gregory, and told him, in great detail, about her journey through the toll-houses.
According to this teaching, every person has demons that tempt them. These demons keep a record of every sin of thought or action they succeed in tempting a person to commit. Repented sins are erased from the demonic records.
On the third day after the soul separates from the body, it is carried by angels towards Heaven. On the way, souls must go past 20 aerial toll-houses. Each toll house is populated by demons devoted to particular sins. At each toll-house, demons demand that souls pay for their sins by giving an account of compensatory good deeds. If the soul is unable to pay for a sin, the demons take the soul to hell.
The toll Houses:

            • On the first aerial toll-house, the soul is questioned about the sins of the tongue
            • The second is the toll-house of lies
            • The third is the toll-house of slander
            • The fourth is the toll-house of gluttony
            • The fifth is the toll-house of laziness
            • The sixth toll-house is the toll-house of theft
            • The seventh is the toll-house of covetousness
            • The eight is the toll-house of usury
            • The ninth is the toll-house of injustice
            • The tenth is the toll-house of envy
            • The eleventh is the toll-house of pride
            • The twelve is the toll-house of anger
            • The thirteenth is the toll-house of remembering evil
            • The fourteenth is the toll-house of murder
            • The fifteenth is the toll-house of magic
            • The sixteenth is the toll-house of lust
            • The seventeenth is the toll-house of adultery
            • The eighteenth is the toll-house of sodomy
            • The nineteenth is the toll-house of heresy
            • The twentieth toll-house is the toll-house of unmercifulness.


7. Tutelary and Territorial Spirits Warfare

In his book Hostage to the Devil, Jesuit, exorcist and Catholic polemicist Malachi Martin describes a possession case in which a familiar spirit is involved. Martin's account reveals that familiar spirits are considered both real and demonic by the Church. The only difference between familiars and demons is the specific ways in which a familiar is believed to possesses an individual. In contrast to demons, familiars are not believed to possess the body. They rather possess the personality, the soul, the human affective relations and the psychological processes of a person, but the familiar spirit maintains a distinct personality. Martin also asserts that the familiar spirit entices the human spirit by appearing friendly and comforting when things go wrong, thus developing a progressive dependence on the spirit and the diminishing reliance of one's individuality.
Territorial Spirits are thought to be demons who rule over certain geographical areas in the world.
Spiritual warfare is the concept that demons attempt to thwart Good and the will of God. Some believe this "warfare" to be manifested in multiple ways, including by demonic possession, demonic harassment, by attacks on a person's
thoughts, relationships, or life with God.
Contemporary Evangelical circles are particularly interested in the concept of spiritual warfare. Some Evangelicals believe that when someone is attacked by demons or fallen spirits, the targeted person can combat the attack by prayer, fasting, consulting with their spiritual advisers, and perhaps also by a process known as casting out demons.
The Tutelary or Territorial spirit is shaped spirit who serves for, a demon, or other unknown-related subjects.
Tutelary serve their owners as domestic servants, farmhands, spies, and companions, and may help bewitch enemies. Familiars are also said to inspire artists and writers (see Tutelary spirit, Power Animal and compare Muse).
Familiars are considered an identifying characteristic of early modern English witchcraft, and serve as one feature setting it apart from European witchcraft; although we find legends of "Familiar creatures" in other parts of the world.


8. The Spiritual Abstract Paintings on the Blackcave Side of the Brain

Cave Paintings are paintings on cave walls and ceilings, and the term is used especially for those dating to prehistoric times. The earliest known European cave paintings date to Aurignacian, some 32,000 years ago.[ The purpose of the paleolithic cave paintings is not known. The evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas, since the caves in which they have been found do not have signs of ongoing habitation. Also, they are often in areas of caves that are not easily accessed. Some theories hold that they may have been a way of communicating with others, while other theories ascribe them a religious or ceremonial purpose.

A Blackcave Virtual Environment (better known by the recursive acronym CAVE) is an immersive virtual reality environment where projectors are directed to three, four, five or six of the walls of a room-sized cube. The name is also a reference to the allegory of the Cave in Plato's Republic where a philosopher contemplates perception, reality and illusion.
The Blackcave Paintings has a meaning such as Total Immersion, in this art Project. Immersion is the state of consciousness where an immersant's awareness of physical self is diminished or lost by being surrounded in an engrossing total environment; often artificial. This mental state is frequently accompanied by spatial excess, intense focus, a distorted sense of time, and effortless action. The term is widely used to describe immersive virtual reality, installation art and Concept map, but it is not clear if people are using the same word consistently. The total immersion in virtual reality (VR) can be so described as: "You lose your critical distance to the experience and get emotionally involved. It could be not only a game you are a part of, but any kind of experience. ... You feel as if it is very real but know it is not."
The Spiritual Abstract Paintings on the Blackcave Side of the Brain means the common phenomenon of thinking through visual processing using the part of the brain that is emotional and creative to organize information in an intuitive and simultaneous way.
Concepts related to visual thinking have played an important role in art and design education over the past several decades. Important literature on this subject includes Rudolf Arnheim's 1969 book "Visual Thinking", Robert McKim's "Experiences in Visual Thinking" (1971), and Betty Edwards' "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" (1979).


9. Self-referenced Visualized Internal Monologue and Dream Arguments

Internal monologue, also known as inner voice, internal speech, or stream of consciousness is thinking in words. It also refers to the semi-constant internal monologue one has with oneself at a conscious or semi-conscious level.
Much of what people consciously report "thinking about" may be thought of as an internal monologue, a conversation with oneself. Some of this can be considered as speech rehearsal, and it seems to be that the internal monologue is generally in the native language of the person concerned.

The "dream argument" is the postulation that the act of dreaming provides preliminary evidence that the senses we trust to distinguish reality from illusion should not be fully trusted, and therefore any state that is dependent on our senses should at the very least be carefully examined and rigorously tested to determine whether it is in fact "reality".
While people dream, they usually do not realize they are dreaming (if they do, it is called a lucid dream). This has led philosophers to wonder whether one could actually be dreaming constantly, instead of being in waking reality (or at least that one can't be certain that he or she is not dreaming). In the West, the philosophical puzzle is referred to as early as Plato (Theaetetus 158b-d) and Aristotle (Metaphysics 1011a6). Having received serious attention in René Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, the dream argument has become one of the most popular skeptical hypotheses.
In the East, this type of argument is well known as "Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly" (莊周夢蝶 Zhuāngzhōu mèng dié) introduced by Zhuangzi. It relates that one night Zhuangzi dreamed that he was a carefree butterfly flying happily. After he woke up, he wondered how he could determine whether he was Zhuangzi who had just finished dreaming he was a butterfly, or a butterfly who had just started dreaming he was Zhuangzi. This was a metaphor for what he referred to as a "great dream."

Projects Artist Designer nikkia
London - Los-Angeles - Paris - Ruhr

Art Concept "Anima Mundi" Allrights reserved 2010 nikkia Ruhr- Germany - catalog 2015-05 N

AA100000 Civilization © 1960-2060 Nikrouz Kianouri